Ah. again. and again.

"So, now we just sit and wait." said Lomaz, moving over to join Dean and
Alota by the command chair.
"...and that was how I ended up with a ferret on my head!"
"That's a funny story, not as good as teh one about you being a haggis
though." said Lomaz, looking at Dean.
"Yeh, guess I have done quite a bit! Almost as good as running up Eve's leg!
Damn! That's who it was!"
"Who?" asked Alota
"Never mind, how are..."
the comm buzzed. Alota picked up.
"We've cut the anchor. Without a hacksaw." came the voice of engineering.
"Right, Dean, get us into orbit."
"Yes ma'am."
"Lomaz? Go check the radar, half the crew seem to be absent from their
"Yes ma'am."
"Approaching orbit." said Dean...."BINGO!"
"Oh well done, on a collison course with this ship here!" said Lomaz,
"what's it called? Oh, Starbug 1, it's one of ours."
"Ah." said Dean
"That's got my husband on board!" yelled Alota.
"Ah again."
"How long till collision?" asked Alota.
"Oh, about 3 minutes. And before you ask, no, we can't turn, they'll have
"Why can't we turn?" asked Dean. "All you have to do is move this big stick
here, it's not hard!"
"Because, tiny tiny brain, we'll hit these satelittes on either side."
"Ah. again again." Dean paused, "Mind you, it was still pretty good
Dean "Ah" Thomas
Madness Takes Its Toll, Please have Exact Change
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