Dean 'muppet' thomas

"What the hell?" Jay spluttered as he spat his coffee over the dashboard in a hurry to grab the control stick, override the auto pilot and prevent the navi-comp from ploughing the starbug full speed into the hull of the Blue Dwarf.
The shuttle lurched to the right, throwing everyone in the shuttle into the starboard bulkhead.
"What the hell are you doing Chrysler?" said Phil ,peelin the flowers Jay had picked for Alota off his backside.
"Deans being a muppet"
"Well I could have told you that! Its hardly a rear occurrence!"
"Yeah but this time he's...are those my wife's flowers?"
"Yes they are, and why iMini-Phil eating them?"
Mini-Phil gave a muffled 'eeeeeeeeeeeee' with a moutful of flower petals.
"Right you're giving em the ones you picked for Tara, you can get in trouble with your wife, i'm not getting yelled at for ANYONE!"
White wolf shouted from the mid-section "Come on children, cant you share!" he said chuckling, "Jay wahts dean done?"
"Parked the 'Dwarf but not applied tha handbrake, its drifting toward us, and the planet" he tapped the comm button.
 Deans voice came over the comm. "Yes Jay?"
"Handbrake NOW!,"
a loud clunking noise was heard and the Blue Dwarf stopped drifting.  
"Dean, just for that I want Rio to relive you at helm and I want you to clean every single shuttle in every single bay with your toothbrush, within the hour."
"On whos authority?"
"Cheif of navigation or first officer, take your pick!"
A few minurtes later, the Starbug landed,...alongside a strange alien ship.
<dean, Phil WW?" >
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