Major Harris \'Phil gets pissed, picks a fight with the wrong person\'

Some time after Phil got drunk
Harris was near the hanger having already ran into a few doubles of
his security staff, a Donover who wasn't a coward and had luck you
couldn't believe and a Death Wish who was know by another name as
here he didn't have a death wish.
Then came these strange sounds and Phil ran up to the Major butt
naked shouting for the no better words for it 'strange words' and was
now jumping from side-to-side like they do in boxing.
Then a security officer blowing a whisle ran up.
Phil then began to throw punches at the Major only Harris stepped
back or to the side every time the hologram tried to hit him.
"Jill, you there?" Harris enquired stepped out of the way of another
"Yes, what can I do for you?" Jill said as she appeared.
"Give me this this deranged hologram's light bee." Harris said.
"You bloody cheat..." Phil managed before he disappeared and his
light bee appeared in Harris' wait hand.
"Push off sonny!" Harris snapped at the security officer.
The security officer did as he was told reluntly and then Jill
asked. "What do you want with his light bee?"
"Where I came from a hologram drove me two thirds mad and I returned
the favour by sending him down the U bend." Harris said with a evil
grin. "Now it's this guy's turn to go round the U bend!"
Harris then pocketed the bee and started whisling as he started off
towards the hanger again. Harris began to wonder to himself, when
was the last time he had flown a starbug?

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