Pack your trunks MP we're off to N.I

Who : Phil, Jo, + MP
Where : Shuttle bay
When : before take off
Phil sauntered into the landing bay, with MP dragging the PWHGC(Portable wormhole generator cannon) behind him.
"Evening Jay, Jay.." Said Phil to the two Jay's present
"Evening Phil.!" They both corused at once.
"I'm bloody glad that It' wasn'r Rufus who tried to clone you, otherwsie there'd be 5000 MJ's running about right now...."
All present shared a collective thought....and shuddered...
"So," asked Jay#4567, "Tara's okay about this little trip of yours...? If I rember righlty isn't there some kind of compotetion going on N.I. right now..."
"Dunno..." said Phil looking shifty
"Ah's the Wet T-shirt comp isn't it?" spaked Jay#4566
Phil spun towards MP..."You told him didn't you you little freak!"
"Ee? E E EEEE!"
"Look If you get me some pictures, I'll promise not to tell Tara okay....?"
"Allright...but NOT a word okay....."
MP dragged the PWHGC foward..."Eee?"
"Yes, MP we're ready..."
<< Jo?>>
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