Kids, lets wake up Uncle Jay

Who : Phil, Rufus, Amber, and a very drunk Jay
Where : The Febugure Quartes
When : After Jay passed Out
Phil had just dragged Jay into his living area/room/whatever
"Dad, Why is Uncle Jay asllep on the couch..." Asked Rufus..
"Well, ermm...." many exaplanations flicked though Phil's brain to explain this...
* Jay had been abducted by aleins and had taken his brain.
* He'd heroically saved a cat from falling, but banged his head
* He was having an out of body experice.
"Basically he got pissed cos him and Allota had a tiff..."
Amber was busy mopping jay brow and keeping him from falling off the sofa...He was muuteing something about clowns..
"I think it's time we woke Uncle Jay up...Rufus...Fetch my hangover kit...."
Rufus gulped..."Dad are you sure that's wise, after all Jay's not got gelf blood the results could be....odd..."
** 10 mins later **
The mixture was ready....
"Amber, hold jay's mouth open, Rufus you hold the funnel..."
"Then what Dad?"
Phil poored...they waited...
<<Jay >>
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