Possible rescue?

Who: Alota
Where: Control
Alota and her little team sprinted into the virtually empty control
room of the tower. One sole remaining occupant remained crouched
beneath a console babbling incoherently into a headset. Alota
approached him pointing the business end of the bazookoid in his
“Drop it...please,” she added after a moment, “I have an important call
to make,” she said in a steely voice. The man dropped the comm,
uttered a high-piched “meep” and scurried away from her backwards on
all fours.
Putting on the headset, Alota fiddled with the various dials and
buttons on the console, trying to tune into the Blue Dwarf, but all she
heard was featureless static.
“New Ibiza Control to Blue Dwarf, this is Lieutenant Commander Alota
Chrysler. Can anyone hear me?” she growled in frustration, “Alota to
Blue Dwarf! Dammit, the bugs must have damaged the antennae.” She
scanned the frequencies again. “What was that?” she said quickly
scrolling the dial back.
“*garble buzz*...New Ibiza Control, this is...*pfzzzzzzzt blerg*...”
“Say again?” shouted Alota down the line to be heard over the static.
“New Ibiza Control, this is the Quasar 4. We’re in your area, do you
need some assistance?” Static still crackled loudly in the background.
Suddenly, the front end of a bug crashed through the glass observation
“Some airborne support would definitely be nice,” Alota replied wryly,
firing off a few blasts before ducking behind the console. She heard a
terrified scream that was cut hideously short, as the bug made a light
snack out of the cowering radio operator. “Oh, and can you contact the
Blue Dwarf and ask them to send down a few more shuttles for pickup,”
she added calmly.
“Right Control, we’ll be there ASAP.”
“Much appreciated,” she stated as her next volley of shots blew apart
the scavenging bug.
Who: Jo and other crew
Where: Quasar 4
“Right. McLeod, locate the Dwarf and relay Alota’s message. Canseco,
turn this thing around and head back to the space port. Try to stay
beyond the detection of those spider ships,” Jo said. Receiving
affirmatives, Jo jumped up and opened the newly installed drive room
weapons locker.
“Brett and Jess, come with me, we’ll be covering those we need to
evacuate,” she tossed the two of them weapons and clips, before
striding off the flight deck.
The Quasar 4 swooped in on the group and touched down lightly behind
them. Jo, jumped down the ramp as it was unfolding armed with a rather
large high-powered rifle. Followed closely by her similarly armed
“Someone call for backup?” she said with a grin.
<Drive room crew? Away team? Over to you>
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