
"Isn't that pilot Dean Thomas out in front?" remarked Jay #2341 watching several people suddenly came running out of the main door, jump off the huge bug, and run away for dear life. Jay #0001 commented, "Well, you certainly gotta hand to Dean - even we haven't crashed a ocean liner into some huge bugs head."
The crowd of BLue Dwarf crew ran through the crowd of Jay's without even doing so much as a double take. Everyone except Dean who ran full speed straight into Jay #0001.
"Get the hell off me man!" The Jay clone shouted, irritated.
Dean was just gibbering like an idiot.
"What?" Jay #0001 said "What the hells the matter with you?"
"LOOK!" Dean said pointing at King Bug
"Oh that thing.." Jays clone replied you think thats something to be worried about?"
The real Jay had turned up by this point, hAlota had hit him so hard with the bottle of VK Blue that it had beaten the alcohol clean out of him.
"Damn..." he said, seeing the clones, "And I thought I was sober!"
Jay #0001 spoke, "Get everyone in the shuttles, we'll handle the bug"
"What the hell are you gonna do?" Jay asked himself.
"You'll see."
"We aint going anywhere" White Wolf spoke, "I you fail we'll have to deal with it,....plus I'd kinda like to see what you have in mind..."
"Stand back..." #0001 said, flipping his sunglasses onto his face for effect.
The other clones surrounded #0001.
"Alright, lets DO IT!!!" #0001 shouted excitedly.
The clones, like before began to meld together, one by one, the mass of the whole getting beigger and bigger, only this time instead of a pulsating glop of flesh, it took  a different shape, getting bigger by the second. Until finally.
"Mini Phil" said White Wolf "I guess it's time to meet....Very...very..very...Big..Jay"
Alota stared at Jay.
"What?" he said "Don't look at me...look at....me.."
The giant Jay, whipped out an equally enlarged bazookoid from nowhere.
"Heeeeeeeeeeeereee..buggy buggy buggy...."
Phil looked on..."Gor-Zilla Gor-Zilla!" he chanted.
..(Japanese post time)..
Super-Mega-Ultra Jay headed over to the town, and aimed his Bazookoid, in the usual japanese movie way decided to inform exactly what type of attack he was going to use "BAZOOKOID BLAST!" he yelled.
Firing of a shot into the giant bug's abdomen, knocking it backwards into a nearby skyscraper,crashign through it and landing perfectley between the next to rows of buildings.
"HISSSSSSSSISSISISISISS!" said the bug, which Jay assumed was its 'this is how im going to attack you' quote and it flung 10 foot thick webbing at Jay, wrapping him tightly in sticky bonds, it leant back, and started to pull Jay toward it, pincers slicing open and shut repeatedly.
"SHOULDER BARGE!" yelled Jay, and ran shoulder first toward the bug, hitting it with such force, it had no time to slice Jay in two, instead, sliced the webbing.
On the ground Phil continued to chant "Gor-Zilla Gor-Zilla!"
Giant Jay noticed the neon sign of the nearby 'samurai' bar, and wrenched it free from its mountings, the sign was shaped like a katana, and just as sharp, only it was a few tonnes heavier.
He swung toward the bug "SAMURAI SLICE!!" he screamed, and sliced of one of the bugs legs. The bug retaliated with a "HIHHISSSISSISSS aayayayaya!"
and released its wings, and flew at Jay at top speed. Its pincers stabbign through his stomach.
".....Ow..man....that kinda hurt...PLAY FAIR!" he whined, holding his hand to his stomach to curb the bleeding, he raised his other hand, and brought it dwon hard on the back of the bugs abdomen, cleaving the whole creature neatly in two.
The front end of the bug, with its last ounce of strength, lunged at Jay, and several attacks with its pincers gouged into Jays body, the two goliaths toppling backward on top of the nightclub the crew had recently been occupying.
Giant Jay, and the giant bug lay still.

----- Original Message -----
From: cmdrwhitewolf
To: JMC_Blue_Dwarf@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, August 19, 2002 9:10 PM
Subject: [JMC_Blue_Dwarf] Dances with... Bugs?!?
OOC - Sorry I didn't get to post last week, I was experiencing 'significant other troubles' which kept me pretty busy offline!- WWRPG ------Who: White Wolf.When: Just moments before Kara and Seymour blew everybody over.Where: The left of the communications tower on landing strip #39, New Ibiza Spaceport.As the six foot one inch, hamster made his way towards the comms tower while shooting up a more bugs that kept insisting on getting in his way, he was just rounding a corner between a bug bomb crater and the building when Miniphil collided into him running at full tilt and knocking White Wolf over the crator's edge before he knew what hit him.The huge hamster rolled down the side of the crator with several loud thumps, and one quick exclaimation of "Ouch!" from the hamster as he belly flopped to a landing on the crator bottom.MP paused at the crators edge glancing at the BD's new Captain tumbling down and snickered slightly to himself, then legged it before anyone spotted him - especially the hamster.White Wolf spit some dirt clods out of his mouth as he rolled over, looking up the crators slope and muttered to himself, "Blimey - I'll never know why small rodents prefer keeping close to walls all the time when their running quickly, I keep getting run over whenever I do it!"The huge hamster picked up his weapon and started climbing out of the crator, while commenting to a nearby comical U shaped dead soldier bug which had it's rear half flopped on top of it's front as the explosion that created the crator had killed it, "And what's with all these holes around here anyways?!? I thought you guys were the 'Hymenoptera', not 'prairie dogs R us'."And just as the gargantuan hamster was finally standing up and dusting himself off at the crators edge, the Space Eagle suddenly flew by really low, and it's slipstream knocked him rolling back down the side of the crator coming to a stop with him face to face with the dead soldier bug.Whereupon the overgrown rodent snapped at it's face in anger, "Well, what are you laughing at?!? At least they didn't shoot me in the arse like *your* buddies did!"Then there was a loud >splerk< as the bug suddenly exploded before him, spraying some green & red gooey gonk all over the huge hamster."Yuck! Hey whoa - I don't feel very gggoooooddd... " Said White Wolf as his voice quickly trailed off and he passed out.And then, as if coming out of some sort of wierd dream, the next thing the rotund hamster was aware that he was standing in front of an expectant assembly of Blue Dwarf crewmembers with a microphone in his paw. He looked around for a moment to get his bearings, noticing a neon sign on a wall that said `The Shipwreck' as few of the crewmembers danced a little near it, and spotted Efof jiggling while holding a giant dead soldier-bug in one corner next to a pair of half chewed human legs with flared trousers. White Wolf took a deep breath and said into the microphone, "Ok folks, I see your all adapting pretty well to our little shore leave interuption, which I'm very glad to see - And second, I have a bit of news for everyone, just a little while ago Seymour Niples has informed me that he has been recently re-assigned back to the Blue Dwarf as our resident Ambassador. And I'd like everyone give him a big round of applause, while we wish him well in his new job."The huge hamster waited for the clapping to die down, before continuing,"And I'm sure some of you are wondering when we're going to hear the good or bad news of who's going to be our new permanent Captain - Well, I for one hope everyone thinks it's good news that Niples has informed me on good authority that it's going to be me..." The overgrown hamster paused to glare with "that's not funny" look on his face as he heard someone to one side of the stage go "Bahahahaddd NUUUZZZ" in a sheep like a voice. Then six foot, one inch hamster continued, "Well, Anyways - As your new permenant Captain, I'd like to direct everyone's attention to the fact that this isn't all over quite yet. I want everyone to..."The huge hamster broke off as the stage and dance floor began to do it's own shimey, and everyone quickly turned towards the clubs huge plexiglass window display of the scene outside in seemingly slow motion as the nearby volcano blew it's top completely off and sending a huge chunk of it shooting straight up into the sky and apparently off into space, while hundreds of other huge bits of flaming rock came crashing down all over totally flattening dozens of buildings at time. And the dance floor exploded upwards as a monsterous 30 foot bug head pushed it's way up through the steel reinforced concrete flooring, and Phil shouted to Niples to him, "I got a name for this one, 'King Bug'!"Then elephantine hamster finished speaking into the microphone, "Calmly evacuate the building and report to their Department heads for further orders.", as nearly everyone rapidly stampeded towards the clubs exit, while the rest of the command crew up on the stage quickly knocked him aside as they pushed & shoved thier way off of the stage.=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=Meanwhile outside, Jay #3244 commented, "Hey, would look at that huge bug coming outta the ground over there? It looks like it's got a 18th Century ocean liner stuck on it's head!""Isn't that pilot Dean Thomas out in front?" remarked Jay #2341 watching several people suddenly came running out of the main door, jump off the huge bug, and run away for dear life. Jay #0001 commented, "Well, you certainly gotta hand to Dean - even we haven't crashed a ocean liner into some huge bugs head."<One really big bug signed for & delivered - over to you Jay!> :)JMC's  best....brightest....the most drunk.....www.BlueDwarf.co.uk-Your number one resource in all things Blue Dwarf related,Download desktop images, official Blue Dwarf movies and gameTo unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:JMC_Blue_Dwarf-unsubscribe@egroups.comYour use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.

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