Re: Heeeellllppp!

A short while later, they had pried open the wall, and hooked up the
"Now, when I throw this switch, it'll send fifty thousand volts
through her."
"Let's see if it works."
"No we shall not." Came the cold calm voice of the black clad
security officer Cain.
Cain snatched the light bee from the Cereburm clone ripping out the
wire the clone idiots had attached. Cain pocketed the light bee and
went on his way, but not before giving one of the clones the fright
of his life as he had tried to get back the light bee only to have
the tip of Cain's sword pressed against his throat.
"Don't try it!" Cain told the clone.
Cain turned and went on his way.
"What shall we do with you?" Cain mused.

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