Feeling better now...or not......

Who : Phil, Tara, Rufus and MP, plus any others who might pop in
Where : Phil's quarters
When : Just as Phil was throwing up.....
It had been going on for a couple of days now. The headache would just NOT GO AWAY...That and the nausea was making him throw up..
"I don't think Dad would want a fried eggy sandwich right now..."
Tara stepped out the bathroom....She threw the soggy mits down on the floor...
"Rufus, you's dad's sick..."
"I know that mum...remmber when he showed me how to bloiw a frog up with a grenade...that's pretty sick by anyone standards...."
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee<pause for breath....> eeeeeEEEEEEEeEEEEeeeeeeeee?"
Tara simple  gave MP an evil look and said "No..."
He at least had the deceny to look shamed by it.....
"Hang on mum...It's thursday today isn't it?"
"Yes it is...Yes...he should have been able to shacke off his illness today...But I'm afraid that with his gelfness this sickness is something else...I may have to......"
"What...oh god no...."
"Yes. I'm gonna take him to Keto's office..."
<<Tag keto or anyone else who wants to find out what can happen when a gelf gets SICK >>
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