An old freind returns

Who : Phil, MP and ....
Where : Phil's Place
When : Just before the Red Alert
"Gooooooood morning my dear."Tara sniffed"What IS that sme...oh...MP I should have known...."
"So how are you my dear?" said Phil, keeping his face neutral
"fine...Oh there was a package delivered for you..It was sent to your office..."
"Exceelt. i'l just have a change and head there "
** 20 mins Later, Phil's office **
"Bloody hell it took em long enough to repair you"
Saddam was back and sitting on Phil's desk. *
"Yeah, well it's a bit embarrsing"
"You do relaise that for the last 6 months plus I've not been able to acces the data on my time loops...YOU GIT!"
"That's Saddam MP"
"Yes go on then!"
MP sat down on the chair in Phils office, cranked it up and starting hacking to the ships woomens shower changing rom cameras
"Don't blame me for being sent to the wrong planet!"
"RED ALERT, we are under attack, all Pilots SCRAMBLE, repeat SCRAMBLE!"
"Blimey thev'e changed the bulb then?"
"Yeah they had an upgrade last year..."
The door to the secuirty office flew open, giving Phill a look at some of the cells, the containts of which were starting to panic
<< Tag anyone in security >>
* = For new players Saddam was the computer/AI that Phil had when he was CSO. I'll post a "bio" for it soon.
=================================Chris Kentlea Click here for your free Ebiz-rotatorWhich could make you cash

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