Death , Glory or a Bacon Double Cheeseburger

Who : Phil and those on the command deck/drive room
When : As "Ze Ved Bravon" lunced a misle
Where : Drive room
"Bloody hell, can't you get a bell for him?" Jumped WW almost shedding all his fur at once
"Sorry sir, it's just Saddam told me there was an emergency and I though you might need me.."
WW did a double take....
"Did you just say.....Saddam? He's back on board is he?" Since When????"
"About 2 days sir, I found him hooked up to the secuirty grid....."
"Am I the only one who see's a problem with this?"
" looks like that craft has just lanced what appears to be a Pant-Filler 5000 class bomb/torpedo!"
<<Tag WW or anyone on the drive deck>>
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