
Who: Amber, others
Where: Starbug
When: Fight scene
"YOU SON OF A SMEG HEAD" Amber screamed down the radio to Dean. She didn't know he couldn't hear her because the radio was down. Amber pulled the starbug into a tight roll and blasted at a ship that looked rather like a cocoon
".....the hell?" she said because the guns hadn't left a mark. There was a bleeping on her sensor alerting her to a ship too close to her exaust pipe. Amber did what looked from outside to be a handbreak turn and fired at the ship which nimbly doged the fire.
"Smegger." AMber bit her bottom lip out of habbit because she was consentrating. She made the bug dive so it would be off the ships sensors and then pulled up fireing all guns. The ship exploded in a gunky mess. Another ship rounded on her.
"No rest for the wicked" she mumbled. The ship flicked out what looked like two barbs on it's sides that promply began to glow, much like fire, but probably laser fire. Amber panicked and flew over the ship. Then through her view screen she saw a thermo nuclear device about 100 yards fromm the window.
"Jay'll kill me if I kill him" She said pulling up with such force that the G's left her unconsious for a few seconds. She then powered away from the fight towards the dwarf yelling into her radio "Retreat. I repeat Nuke heading your way RETREAT IMMEDIATLY!" The Bugs wondered why all the Blue Dwarfians were flying away.......<Tag>
OOC- not brill but im stuck for ideas...

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