The levels we sink to for our children

Who: Tara, Trisees
Where: Coridoor
When: During the fight
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"Of course it's me, who did you think it was? Not that bloody surgeon!" Niples said nothing.
--------------------------------------------Tara walked down the coridoor and glowered at Trisees when she saw him
"Trisees." She murmered. "Excuse me Sir. I require a word with el idioto here."
"Why of course Tara." Nipples said before scurring off so he didn't have to answer Trisees.
"Cleavage." Trisees growled
"You. Where have you been and where is Shakespeare? what have you done to the poor smeg head this time..... Actually, I don't want to know."
"Why are you talking to me" Trisees said
"Because as much as it pains me to ask an ignorant son of a b*****d like you. I need your help" Tara gritted her teeth as she said these words.
"Why, my delightfull medical moron. Should I help you." Trisees glare ddaggers at Tara, and Tara dlared right back.
"Because if you don't I will tear your two veg off with my bear hands." This seemed to get to Trisees even through his thick hide.
"So what is it you need my brilliant brain for?" Trisees asked regaining his composed expression.
"I need you to help me do multiple personality transplants. You see the piloting department have all been swapped around. And if my Amber isn't back in her own body soon, someone will not be too healthy. So what do you say, Trisees?"<Tag!>OOC- WELCOME BACK SEAN!!!!

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