catching up

<<OOC heh first post in a while, just give me a few ticks to get things sorted and bear with me ;)>>
Alota felt an immense pain in the side of her head and everything went as the term goes blank. 
Immense pain filled her head as the blackness of unconsiciousness fadded away into the whispy and painful reality.  Her head hurt like hell had been opened and decided to do the flamingo within her brain.  She looked around and immediately grasped that she was in the medical bay, the big door that had a giant ointment bottle on gave it away.  Shaking her head she sat up and felt a bandage on her head,
"What happened?" she asked shaking her head, then she looked around, everyone seemed to be busy arguing,
"Well then" she smiled, "They can't discharge me, I'll have to discharge myself" she then immediately did so.  She couldn't stand medical procedures being done on her, it just wasn't so called normal! well normal in her book. 
Walking down the corridors she felt a little dizzy but what do you expect she'd just whacked her head.  Gathering her bearings was pretty easy, well easier because the blue dwarf had those cool little LED's that indicate the path to travel towards the drive room.  She just followed the red twinkling lights to get to the drive room. 
Head still pounding the doors swooshed open, she took one step in and the door closed on her foot,
"DAMN! STUPID F%$$^NG S*@ ^ING DOORS!" she hiss from the outside as she pryed the doors open and managed to get inside before the doors hissed shut completely.  Allie was sat in the commanders seat directing drive room staff around getting the blue dwarf back up and running,
"Allie" Alota asked limping head still hurting "Where's captain White Wolf?" she asked leaning on the captains seat heavily.
<OOC forgive me if anything is wrong...I've been sorta preoccupied :)>>

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