Funny Title Involving Blob (Look, My Brain Melted In A Lecture)

Who: Keto, BPT, Trisees, Brain, Tara, Blob
Where: Medibay
When: Hah.
"Actually.... If you get them out of the medi-bay then i'll give you
some fertiliser," the doctor lied. The tree jumped up and down and
bounced into the medi-bay.
The blob was gone, a hole in the wall of the lab showed where and why
it had gone.
"Looks like it can eat the walls then"
"I think we may need some help with this"
Keto tapped in his "Busy At Work, Go Bother Someone Else" code into
his office door and went to sit behind his desk, eyes somewhat vacant.
He was in trouble, that much was clear. Where had Trisees managed
to get that brain f...
Keto's eyes suddenly snapped to the cabinet that dominated one wall
of his office. Now that he looked closely, the top cabinet was
slightly ajar...when it should have been closed and locked.
Rising and hauling it open, Keto's worst fears were confirmed - it
was empty.
"I'm in trouble," he repeated to himself, swallowing nervously.
If the Tree managed to get rid of the brain from the medibay, it
might delay matters but there could still be a problem. Destroying
the brain would solve that problem, but what then? So many questions
would remain unanswered...
But what other solution was there.
"My life," muttered Keto to himself, "Cannot get any worse."
Then he sniffed. Something was burning. It smelt like charred
wood mingled with an acidic tang that was very familiar in the
presence of Keto's ointments...except that he wasn't brewing any, so
Keto blinked as the wood at the back of the cabinet began to
blacken, then char, then smoke, and finally collapsed revealing a
green ooze slowly working its way through the wall behind, into the
cabinet, and leaking onto the floor of Keto's office.
"What in HELL is that!?" yelled Keto as it began to swarm up one
leg of a nearby chair. He climbed onto the desk to avoid it, but
cancelled that plan as the blob reached the desk leg and that too
began to disintegrate.
Performing a flying leap, Keto made it to the door and slammed
the "What Have They Broken In There Now?" button, which instantly
made it spring open and sent him hurtling into the medibay, where the
Tree was ineffectually trying to 'shoo' Trisees out of the room.
Trisees didn't shoo.
"Charles!" he called, "I've got a couple of..."
"NOT NOW!" yelled Keto, thumbing over his shoulder at the
approaching blob as he continued running through the medibay.
OOC: Tag with added chaos. ;)

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