Blue Dwarf VI - The Return of the Hamster

Location : Warship Blue Dwarf
Time : Not telling cos I like living on the edge(12:30 pm)
Evil-Phil wipped the James Johnson on the bridge for a laugh.
"Next (whip, small wimper) time(whip),whip) will do (whip, another wimper) as you are told (whip, whip, whip, small scream)."
There that felt better.
There was another squeck from behind him.
The Hamster was back, and for some reason it had a little black cloak on.
"Squeeck squeek, squeek, squuek, (chew on food) squuek,(preen wiskers) squuek." #1
"I don't care what that was you is going down clown!!!!!!!," scremaed Evil-Phil as he lunged at the hamster with his whip raised.
The hamster ran awy as fast it's little legs could carry it, heading towards the flight deck

Location : Normal Dwarf, Scince Deck, Phil Lab/Office
Time : about now
With everyone engaged on working to repair the ship, Phil got down to working on some way of making a sheild for the Dwarf. To protect against further attacks. After a couple of minutes. Phil got board of this and sat down to read a book called "How to make a billion, million dollerpounds without getting off your arse!"

Location : Warship Blue Dwarf, Holo-managment suite
Time : 10 mins later
Hammy, propably the smartest hamster on the ship(apart from White Wolf) was having a feild day running up and down the control panel and interface device. This was having a adverse effect on Evil-Phil who was seeing the little rodents everywhere.

Location : Warship Dwarf, Hanger bay
Time : About 10 mins later
Evil-Phil ran up the deck to the cockpit of his personel cusomised (with a ramming/boarding spike) Starbug - called " Tinky Winky." #2
The i ages that were being puped ito Evil-Phil's mind were driving him mad with rage. All he could see were floating Hamsters. One of the moons near here even resembeled a giant yellow version(Pickachu VI). There was one big one, tormenting him to chase after him. As the ship took off, Phil amused him self by flying some fancy manuvers, narroly missing a ship that was attack the Warship. It had the name "Black N....". Evil-Phil couldn't make out the rest. A backwash from a missle explosion disorentated Evil-Phil for a moment and knocked out the navigation. When vision returned, the Dwarf was a lot farther away then he rembered it. Also, it looked like the landing bay was not open. Sod it. Only one thing to do. Aim for the hamster on the side of the ship. The one making the gestures.
Phil floored the ship and it screamed towards "the phantom hamster"

Location : Normal Dwarf, Science Decks
Time: 15 mins later
"ALERT.ALERT, ALERT. HULL BREACHED ON DECK 96. REPEAT HULL BREACH ON DECK 96!" Saddam yelled, jaring Phil from his reading.
"What was it,"
Phil ran to the turbo lift, calling for White Wolf and (judder) Harris along the way to join him on deck 96.
Intruders were on the Dwarf!

Location : Normal dwarf, deck 96
Time : The same as above
Evil-Phil jumped out of "Tinky Winky" and pressed the recall button. The 'bug, slid out of the hole it had made, just after Evil-Phil had got to the safety of a working bulkhead. He looked about and saw some people running towards him.  He pulled out his holo-whip. Things were about to get inresting.

Notes :
OOC : By my counts there are now 3 holograms on board. Phil, Evil-Phil, and Evil-Stew. I bet Harris is loving this. Also, I promise that after this plot line is over, hamster features will  drop.
#1:You pathetic son of a dog doing - You haven't got the guts to chase after me. And I belive you are underblessed in the brain department as well.
#2: In this Universe, "Tinky Winky" was one a great war hero, once killing over 1,000 Gelfs only armed with a pin and halitosis.

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