Major Harris 'Choices'

Blue Dwarf
After being chewed out by Niples
"Get away from me!" Harris snarled at the two security officers.
The two just legged it as quickly as they could.
Harris was even more annoyed then he normally was, he had never assigned Lloyd to the team that boarded the 'evil' Blue Dwarf he was too busy dealing with that sadist hologram that was Phil's evil counterpart. Jackson was going to pay for this as he was the one in charge of assigning security officers to the teams and Lloyd meant more to him then most people knew, she had not been that annoyed blonde that greated him aboard when he first came aboard ship but more like the sister he may or may not have. Even stranger was that Lloyd seemed to like him for some strange reason.
Security office
two hours later
Harris watched as Donover lead that thief Fingers into his officer. Donover then legged it as fast as he could knowing what mood Harris was in.
"Remember this?" Harris snarled at Fingers hold up the time machine plans.
After a quick glance the thief answered. "Yes."
"Return them too that digital ghost's office!" Harris ordered.
"Why?" Fingers enquired. "Oh I know why, so Phil can build it and then prevent that female security officer's death."
"Just get going!" Harris snapped. He then handed the plans to Fingers and the thief disappeared out of the office.
Phil's office
Sometime later
Like when he first stole the plans Fingers slipped into Phil's office and placed a bin with a heavy book on top of Saddam. Fingers then quickly slipped the plans into the top desk draw and then slipped out of the office yet again without being noticed.
(Phil, it's your choice if you decide to prevent Lloyd's death or not. But I think Niples will be screaming SAVE HER, SAVE HER!)

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