With me?

It was at this point, a clanking noise came from around the corner, everyone looked to see what was happening.
"HO HO HO HOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" came the voice of 1500 robot Santas
"Awwwww..man!" said Dean, "I have no luck, first Jasmine, now this?"
"Dude, she's acting" whispered Jay.
"What, with me or with him?"
"That's what I'm asking!" said Dean
"She's acting for smeg's sake."
"Yes, I know! With me or with him?"
"Oh, for crying out loud."
"I will be in a minute, what? who? where?"
Jay punched him,
"Well, that's one less problem." said Jay, looking at where Jasmine and Phil were still staring mesmerised by the Santa problem.
Dean Thomas

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