The "B" Team ( to .... a mime...part 2)

Then he instructed the PDA to connect him through to the ship's 'all call' intercom and his next words where transmitted all throughout the Blue Dwarf, "Mr. Phil FeBuggure, I would appreciate your presence in the Late Captain Cannon's Memorial Loo. Specifically- " His voice rose an octave in anger as he continue,"To explain to me why the *SMEG* there are several armed mimes holding me hostage *IN THE BOG*!!!"
--- endeth ---
"there's no need to shout captain....." came Phil's reply...
"Where in blazes ARE you...."
"Nerby....MP's closer though...."
"What do you mean closer..." WW didn't like the sound of this..
"Well, erm....lets just say MP's not got a pleasent view right now and ...."
There was a muffled "eeee"...
"He says it looks like you might have piles...."
Even the mimes looked disgusted by what they just worked out...
"Is he...."
"Well...I repeat my question.....WHERE ARE YOU...."
As if in answer to his question...several of the mimes started flying around for no reason...into each other one went head first through the wall....For some odd reason they all seemed to heading towards the nerby rubish shoot...Within mins it was over...apart from the odd mime making dying gestures and pretending to be dead.
"How you do that....?" asked the capatin
The furry one just razed an eyebrow...
"Well, okay it was on of the Archivers devises...Bloody typical though...the battery is dying and I have NO idea how to rrecharge it..." said Phil as he shimmered into to view holding a large basball bat..
"might i suggest you DONT flush sir....."
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