Mcd's & MacKenzie's

Deck Five . . .
Zack meandered down the corridors, stopping to flip his Susan B.
Anthony whenever he couldn't decide which branch to take.
But soon that became unnecessary. He could smell food up ahead,
and he quickened his pace. Soon the corridors opened up onto a large
open area lined with shops of every kind. There were also people
here. Quite a few people. Zack stood in the shadows of the corridor
and watched carefully, every nerve on alert.
Then two people bumped into him from behind, apologized, and
hurried off toward one of the shops. Flustered, Zack managed to wave
cheerily as they departed, then watched to see what happened.
Five minutes later, he was still waiting.
Five minutes after that, he shrugged and started walking toward
a sign that had caught his attention. The sacred Golden Arches.
As he walked, he noticed that several of the personnel were
wearing uniforms of some sort. He studied one couple as they
strolled past him.
~Blue Dwarf? What's that?~
Zack arrived at McDonald's, ready for a feast. And he found the
menu to be the standard fare, much to his relief. Far too much had
been out of the ordinary in his life lately, and a little normalcy
was a good sign.
Eavesdropping on several conversations helped him a little bit.
He was apparently on the Jupiter Mining Company ship Blue Dwarf.
Near as he could tell, they were within a few years of his own time
He brightened considerably at that. Perhaps he could . . .
No. Lieutenant Blotz was looking for him still, and it wouldn't
do to be contacting all his old friends . . . not just yet. No, he
needed a place to hide out for a while until he could sort things
out. And a JMC mining ship might just be the ticket. He doubted
Cubie would like it, but lately she had taken a disliking to just
about anything that involved his continued use of oxygen. Odd lass.
He really needed to get her looked at one of these days. But at
least for the present, Blue Dwarf looked like his new home.
~After all, what could go wrong on a mining ship?~
Finishing his meal, he then set out looking for a
tailor/silversmith. His suit needed some serious maintenance.
Zack fished around in his various pockets, then groaned. His
money pouch was missing. All he had was pocket change. Plan B -
time to land a job.
He walked up to a commercial terminal and checked the want-ads.
Unfortunately, Blue Dwarf didn't seem to be in the market for a
hovercraft rental agent. That meant he was going to have to
improvise. He scanned the available jobs, but saw nothing that
piqued his interest.
Then his gaze scanned across the promenade to the store across
the way. A cheerful little place called "MacKenzie's".
Zack walked in, looked around, dusted off his chrome suit and
polished a couple smudges, then walked over to what appeared to be
the manager. "Say, I'm looking for work. Could you use any full-
time help here?"

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