(no subject)

"OK OK...we'll give the trap idea one more go...but rember we havnt got much time left...we need to catch Cannon and SOON..."
"Why did you say that in capitals?" asked Eve?
"Shut up and think..."
Jay stood, tapping his foot trying to think of a plan to capture Cannon, he stopped for a second, and pulled a tuft of Hamster fur from his shoulder, and went back to thinking.
"Wait..." he said
"What?" everyone asked in unisn
"I just thought of something!"
"Well, what is it?!" Phil asked
"Don't know why I never thought of it before"
"WHAT?!" Phil said, frustrated, expecting Jay to come up with something profound and ingenius in order to capture the elusive ex-captain.
"How come you're in here as yourself?" Jay asked looking at White Wolf, "The rest of us had to become cartoon's"
"Thats real helpful  Jay...." Phil said, trailing off.
"Well..." said White Wolf "I'm not in AR like you guys"
"Oh" said Jay "Fair enough"
With that he went back to trying to think of a plan, when a few seconds later he again stopped and looked at the hamster.
"What do you mean?"
"Well..." White Wolf said "I'm not....quite as healthy as you guys anymore"
"Hey we all get gas" Rufus said
"No I mean.."
"I think I got some pills for that..." Eve said
"Nah, Just drink lots of water.used to work for me!" Kara said
"I always get this when I have a curry from the takeaway on the promenade" said Phil "Remember Jay? The one that you tried to take away for starbug fuel?"
"Dude, that stuff made me go blind" Jay said
"FOR GOD SAKE!!!" White Wolf shouted "I'M DEAD!"
 "Oh well thats different...." said Eve "Not got any pills for THAT"
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