Re: [JMC_Blue_Dwarf] Why here?

Plenty of adventures going on....but you MIGHT wanna get Alexis and Dryden
off the blue dwarf...
I mean,..up to you but it DID blow up ;)
>From: "lister_girl2004" <lister_girl2004@...>
>Subject: [JMC_Blue_Dwarf] Why here?
>Date: Tue, 13 May 2003 15:01:46 -0000
>Who: Alexis and Dryden
>Where: Alexis' quarters
>Dryden decided to visit Alexis at her quarters.
>Alexis walks to the door when she hears someone knocking.
>"Who the smeg could that be," She groaned ", I was finally getting
>some sleep."
>Alexis walked to the door and said "Who is it?" trying to seem
>"Guess who?" said Dryden in a false voice.
>"Don't play games with me Dryden, I'm not in the mood."
>Alexis opened the door and let Dryden in. He walked over to the
>chair at the table and sat down.
>"Well...just have a seat then," she said sarchasticly.
>"Too late, Aleready did."
>"You're the same little prat as always, I see."
>"I'm not a prat!"
>"Depends on whose view you're taking."
>"Anyway, you still with Bonehead?"
>"Shut up Dryden, Don't call him bonehead," she said, looking hurt.
>She was just about to cry.
>"Wha's wrong now?"
>"Arnold is on the Red Dwarf. That's why I signed on here. Now you
>had to join because you knew I would take up for you...why do you
>have to start this here."
>"Look Lexy, I'm sorry. Please forgive me."
>"Maybe I will, Maybe I won't. We need to get to the lab and start
>getting some work done."
>"Ok, fine...if we have to."
>"yes we do."
>(OOC:Sorry for not posting for a while...but if anyone can get Dryden
>into an adventure, go ahead...I'll follow along.)
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