Just a thought....

Kara looked back at Parrots. Should she go back anf apologise? She knew she
had been a bit cruel to them. They were drunk but hey the were trying to be
nice. She shook her head and walked on. She thought about what had been
happening lately with her life. It had really began to go sour ever since
she died. She had tried to drown her sorrows in a bottle but it never worked
things always returned to her in the end. She wated to be with her friends.
She wanted to have some fun just like she used to on Red Dwarf with Lister
and her mates. She wanted to feel "alive" again.
(this is sad, I know. Tag anyone who wants to help)
Smeg On, Captain Emerald.
"Fear me for I am a writer!(evil laughter)"
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