Major Harris 'Yet another post'

Blue Dwarf
Councillor Prue Simmons office
Harris sat on the coach rubbing the of his head while councillor Simmons filed away her last appointment's notes. She then turned to the Major and asked. "What's with the sunglasses?"
Harris removed the tinted glasses, his eyes were bloodshot and dark bags hung under his eyes.
"I'll take it you haven't been sleeping for a while." Simmons said.
"Try combining the lack of sleep and mix in a bloody load of alcohol at the same time." Harris muttered harshly.
"Oh dear." Simmons muttered to herself.
"I heard that." Harris snarled a little too loudly for his liking.
"Does this have anything to do with the fact you are turning 35 in a couple of weeks?" Simmons asked the Major.
"It has nothing to do with my age!" Harris snarled.
"Look…" Simmons started. "These sessions aren't really going anywhere and you aren't getting any better, you still hate everyone, there's this feud going on between you and Jason Smegg and you won't tell me who you have been having nightmares about…"
"I hate everyone period that's not going to change!" Harris leapt in. "Jason Smegg is way too young for his post and to the third one it's Charlie Dimmock **twich**."
"Excuse me?" Simmons asked not really knowing what had just been said. "Charlie Dimmock? **twich** That's who has you scared senseless?!"
"That name stays out of your files!" Harris warned Simmons. "The last find I need is that coming out into the open!"
"Well…" Simmons started but couldn't continue for the moment.
Harris merely checked his watch, spat out his gum into the potted plant in the corner of the office and started on a fresh slice of gum waiting for Simmons to continue.
"I never expected you to tell me this." Simmons said rather surprised. "At least we're making some progress now but still the matter of you having little memory preceding your first assignment does cause some problems. Our time's running out, I'll make you yet another and hopefully this time you will turn up in time!"

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