Re: The truth revealed atlast

Who: Kyla... or is she?
When: After the snip from Dave's post
Where: The Raven -- IIRC, I was on there, I've just missed a helluva
lot due to being away from uni, but I'm back now (er... hurray?)
> "Probably... hold on, wait" Holly ducked off screen entirely and
stayed off
> for a few seconds, "Yeh, I've just gotten a message from the
raven, 'Rescued
> crew members from Death Jar, including Dave Canazza, Ambassador
Nipples, Phil,
> Dean, and others - oh, and we're under attack...' "
> "So that means my evil twisted alternate is aboard the raven"
> "Looks that way, you'd better get going"
> "Going where?"
> "To save them?" Holly proposed
> "Oh... actually, i was going to tell a superior officer, but
you're plan
> sounds okay"
> <tag those on the Raven>
Kyla was flat on her stomach under a bunk, her cheek pressed into
the carpet, watching a pair of feet. The feet were shod in black
boots with heels, and from what she could tell they went right up to
the knee. She knew boots like that. She _owned_ boots like that.
They were a bugger to lace up, but alright to walk in, and
absolutely super if you wanted to freak someone out by slowly,
deliberately pacing from one end to the other of a room you knew
they were hiding in.
"I know you're here somewhere," said a voice.
It was her voice.
"Come out... wherever you are..."
Kyla wasn't sure where she was. This wasn't her room, of course;
she'd gotten separated from everyone and was getting mightily sick
of it. And now there was some kook hunting her -- some kook who
_looked_ like her -- and she wasn't sure how much charge there was
left in the bazookoid. Besides, being followed was so creepy, she'd
let off several warning shots at things that turned out to be
vending machines, mirrors, and on one occasion, an inflatable doll.
She _really_ didn't want to know whose room this was.
Kyla's double bent down and peeked under the bunk. "There you are,"
she said in a pleased voice. "I was looking for you."
At least, that's what she would have said, had Kyla not kicked her
in the mouth.
"Fnargh!" Kyla's double reeled back and Kyla scooted out from
underneath the bunk, simultaneously flicking off the safety on the
"I dunno who you are, mate, but you ain't gonna be her for long,"
she panted, aiming the gun.
"No! Stop! I can explain!" shrieked the double through a mouthful of
blood and mangled teeth.
"Oh? Explain what?"
Kyla shot her anyway and then dashed from the room, searching for
the others. She could hear someone screaming down the corridor, and,
although it went against every instinct in her, headed _towards_ the
<tag anyone? I hope I haven't buggered this up too much.>

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