The Exam is Nigh!

10:45 am
Kayn was revising the final two pages of the spaceway code, which he considered useless and threw halfway accross his room. A message came over the comms radio.
'A doppelganger of Stewie Mackenzie has been caught and charged with crimes against the ship, including the destruction of a waterbed. Also, will all candidates for the Flight/Navigation Exam please report to the drive room before 11:00. That is all'
Kayn put on his jump suit and walked slowly up to the drive room. He passed Zack's quarters which seemed to have a very annoyed Harris standing just behind a wooden plank.
He also found Efof on the way up to the drive room. They exchanged glances and snarled at each other. Then they both walked into the drive room where thier examiner waited...
(OOC - Who is the examiner? Who gets the job? Does the Spaceway code need rewriting? Where did Zack get a set of planks?)

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