Niples- "Use Dean for Good or Evil?"

"Hey Cerebrum, It's Jay." He whispered.
"What are you doing?" Cerebrum didn't look happy.
"We've got control of Dean."
"We've got company - marines are in control of the ship and they
Jay (and everyone else in the Raven-[Actually it's the Phoenix!-
close enough Jonny!!]) swore out loud.
"Shh Jay. The marines heard you."
<end snip>
Inside the Phoenix
Inside Dean
"Did you hear that? Marines have declared Marshall law? How dare
they take control of the Blue Dwarf!" said Seymour holding his nose
as Canazza leaned closer and still stunk.
"Erm… maybe because most the command staff are actually in here?"
Jay sarcastically suggested.
"As well as most important and most well-respected Ambassador in the
galaxy don't forget!" added Seymour. "Of course if I would have been
out there then I would never have stood for this, when I was Captain
the Blue Dwarf was always in perfect control! Of course remember the
His voice trailed off as he realised nobody was listening, they were
too busy making Dean pull funny faces at Cerebrum. Seymour turned
his back in a huff and went and sat at the back on his own.
"Dean, what are you on about?" asked Cerebrum and what is that face
supposed to mean… how rude! I'm definitely booking you in for some
psychiatric time very soon.
Dean turned around like a robot and marched up to Brian who was
watching curiously and tweaked his nose.
---In the Phoenix---
Everyone rolled around with laughter, aside from Seymour at the back
who occasionally stood up and ranted something about controlling
Dean for doing some good and negotiating with the Marines but his
voice was drowned out as the rest of the crew laughed when they made
Dean do something else funny.
"Go over to that Marine!" suggested Jay. Jonny walked Dean over to a
lone marine who was stood guarding a doorway. "Give him a kiss!"
Shouted Tara, and everyone laughed as Jonny made Dean give the butch
marine a big sloppy kiss on his lips.
Watching through the monitors they saw the Marines shocked reaction.
The shock faded away into anger as the marines face went bright red.
"Uh oh… get ready to back away Jonny!" said Jay.
"No… wait… his facial expression is changing, I think he liked it!"
Said Tara watching.
"RUN JONNY RUN!" Shouted Jay amusingly.
Dean turned on the spot and started running in a peculiar way like
he'd just escaped from the ministry of funny walks.
Dean ran into the Officers Quarters section of the ship to hide.
The back of the ship, Seymour looked up suddenly. "One moment, could
you please walk to my Ambassadorial Suite, I want to make sure I
turned the iron off…"
Dean walked to Seymour quarters, doing a limp wrested salute to a
passing crewman.
He came to Seymours quarters, it was the only one with a double door
and two terracotta plant pots with rosebushes outside.
Dean pushed the door open. (or rather Jonny made deans arm stick out
and then just walk into the door.)
"Dear God No!!!" Said Seymour as he saw through Deans eyes. The room
was a tip.
"Look at the carpet, I just had it professionally dry cleaned, and
the floors re-waxed! Oh, and look how they've scuffed the
Dean looked around and they could see three marines stood by one of
his 6foot wine racks pulling bottles off and taking huge swigs.
"Not the `47 Beaujolais, please not the '47 Beaujolais…" Seymour
prayed. Then he saw on the monitor as Dean looked down at the floor.
"THEY'RE GONNA PAY FOR THIS!" Seymour screamed like the voice of
Hades himself.
He slapped Jonny until he got the hint and stood up, and Seymour
took over the controls. Taking to it instantly, Seymour made Dean
pick up the empty bottle of `47 Beaujolais on the floor and run at
the closest marine, swinging it around his head and screaming.
The marine ran, seeing Seymour's wrath in Deans eyes. Seymour
couldn't stop the charging Dean and ran straight into the Master
Bedroom. There, in Seymours four-poster bed was a wriggling shape
under the sheets. A Marine popped his head out, then a girl who
covered herself with the sheet.
"Lt PENNY LLOYD?!" Seymour gasped.
"Heh, you always wanted Penny Lloyd in your bed eh Seymour!" Jay
said with a nudge.
A second male marine popped his head out from under the duvet.
"OH GOOD GRIEF!!!!" Seymour said and feinted.

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