mmm, worm... uhh... death?

Jack managed to break his way out of the worm, covered in alcoholic
slime, the smell was driving him insane, as he knew he couldn't drink
it (being slime and all) He managed to get most of it off, he walked
up to the raven, the door opened. Everyone was surprised to see a
Jack of the same size as everyone else, for the following five
minutes, jack told them about the worm, topped up his quickie and
ranted about hating americans for their creation of that worm virus
thing (he was sure he saw a documentary about it)
ooc: sorry its so crap and short, but i just wanted to get this going
again, it seems to me that no one else in dean was doing anything
beacause they weren't sure what was going to happen to the worm. No
offense to americans, of course, i'm sure you're both alright, its
just the majority of you :)

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