Two Phils, one lady and a scutter

Naked Phil was running towards the drive room. Why he was passing the medi bay was anyones guess...but it was then he tripped over a scutter.
The words he uttered was not pleasent
"Oi...I'm so sorry" came a female voice..."Here le word...."
"What?" exaclaimed Phil...then rembered he was naked.
Sara tried to maintain eye contact with Phil and was about to say something along the lines of "Well, we can see why your wife has a big smile on her face somedays" when she was saved by the most unlikey of people...MP...who was dragging some clothes behind him to give to Phil
"EEEEEEEEEEE.eeeeEEE" said the midget stoping and looking at Phil..
"what? HAVE YOU NEVER SEEN A NAKED MAN BEFORE?" he yelled a bit too loud as he put on the clothes.
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