Re: Kevin\'s confusion

> The door opened and Kevin strolled out as Emma stood checking her
> watch. "Ok let's go and if you don't mind we should avoid any
> violent and agnst ridden areas of the ship"
> Emma scratched her head "Why's that?"
> Kevin looked at the floor as he followed her out "Oh no reason I'll
> maybe tell you later either that or you'll find out anyway
The two walked along a corridor, Emma was wondering why this guy
wanted to avoid the violent areas of the ship, well she could
understand that but he seemed so desperate. She tried her best to
lead them along the quieter corridors of the ship. To be honest she
wanted to see what would happen if they ended up in a violent
situation, she was kind of intrigued. She thought against the idea of
leading him into trouble.
''This way!'' he said, leading her down a well lit corridor as
opposed to the dark dangerous looking one, well ok the one with a
faulty light. Then it hit her, what if he's just a coward a plain
snivelling little coward, oh dear. Her face dropped.
''Is anything wrong?''
''What? no!''
Then she realized that if he was a coward he wouldn't have the
courage to talk to her in the first place, and if he did he would
have failed miserably and he hadn't. So therefore he wasn't a coward.
'Please god let me have a quiet night for once!' were the only
thoughts going through kevin's head.
Little did he know, Emma was leading them to a certain place outside
a closed bar where there were always two drunken men looking for
someone who would either open the bar again or fight with them.
They arrived, ''What are we doing here?''
''Whoops,'' replied Emma, ''Wrong turn.''
Which seemed suspious or would have done if the guy new that Emma
spent all day at a computer and had access to the ship's layout.
One of the drunkereds came up to Emma and the other to Kevin,
'' 'ello darling *hic* do wanna come back to *hic* my place.''
and Emma punched him in the face like so many other occasions. The
other drunkered was trying to pick a fight with Kevin and Emma
watched with anticipation. Would he run or fight?

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