'Return of Lloyd'

Blue Dwarf
Medical Bay
Unknown time
The last thing Lloyd remembered was being on another verison of the Blue Dwarf bleeding to death having been stabed in the stomach by her double and the next thing she knew she woke up in a medical bay, by the looks of things it did appear to be the right ship.
Lloyd was laying on a medical bed with a IV leading into her left arm. She groaned as she tried to sit up and then she felt a sudden sharp pain in her stomach.
Lloyd caught sight of herself in a mirror and she wondered what a mirror was doing in the medical bay. Now her hair was a dirty dark blonde, boy was she going to make nurse Coffee pay for drying her hair black!
Then Phil the hologram Phil came up to her, strangly enough he was being followed around by 21 curcus midgets.
"I take it things aren't quite right here" Lloyd managed to say.
"That is a smegging understatement. I think I should take you to see someone first...." The hologram told her.
First Officer's office
Sometime later
Lloyd didn't need this, she had nearly died and still was recovered from the surgery that had saved her life but now Phil was taking her to see Commander Niples. Right now she didn't want to deal with him.
Lloyd gave a cough and Niples looked up at her, blinked in surprise and rubbed his eyes.
"But you- you're...... oh hang on." said Niples, realising what was going on. "You're another bloody hallucination!"
Hallucination? Lloyd throught to herself, what the hell was going on around here. What she really wanted to do is see Major Harris and find out what was going on, but after asking Holly where he was Holly had told her he couldn't find her meaning Harris was in the cargo desks now.
"No Guv," Penny tried, wondering why she was bothering. "I'm real, really I am..."
"yeah yeah," waved off Niples and turned to Phil who was stood behind her. "And I suppose the 21 short people following him are real too are they?"
"Well actually, they are hallucinations. But I'm real." Lloyd only knew the midgets were hallucinations because Phil kept muttering 'Bloody hallucinations!'
Then Phil confirmed that she was indeed real and then began to explain how he used a time machine to bring her back.
"This is great... this is absolutely great!" Niples expressed.
Lloyd was sick of this already.
"I need to tell you something..." he started, taking her hand softly.
"Sorry Gov, I've got to go back to my quarters and take a shower. Nearly dying and then being brought forward in time really takes it out of a girl ya'know." Lloyd said pulling her hand out of Niple's.
"Erm, ok." said Niples.
"But I'll come by your quarters later..." Lloyd said feeling 'very' sorry for this sad twit and then asked herself 'why'.
Sometime later
Outside Niples quaters
Lloyd watched as a hallucination of herself wearing a dress which wasn't to Lloyd's liking, she hated that style of clothing and wouldn't be caught dead in something like that.
After ringing the bell a few times, the hallucination sighed and away.
What the hell was happening around here, Lloyd throught to herself.

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