Re: Lending a \'helping\' hand

OOC- can i suggest compulsary who where whens to stop confusion.
i think we are in two groups right?
seymour, jay, alotta and phil
dean, dante, tara, amber, keats and Jack
oh, and Keto and Canazza make another....
Who: Dean, Dante, Keats, Jack, Tara, Amber
Where: Plebe
When: After the tag.
---- Snip ----
> Keats knelt down next to Dante, who was practically being smotherd
> the sheer amount of on-lookers.
> 'So then padre, What happend just then....'
---- End Snip ----
Tara dropped her medical equiptment and morphed into a hawk and
followed the Emohawk, knowing that it had part of Dante's DNA. She
had been researching up on Polymorphs after the incident on the
large cyan one.
The emotion sucking creature seemed to be heading in one
direction, not deviating from its course. Flying over the other group
it dived sharply landed a few meters in front of the group and turned
into a large botle of vintage chardonay. Tara watched it with
fascination, her hawk senses pinpointing Seymour walking towards the
Emohawk and rubbing his hands greedily. Tara suddenly saw what was
about to happen in slow motion. She dived steeply hoping to distract
Seymour before the Emohawk got to him.
---- meanwhile ----
Amber gazed at the quivering wreck of nerves formally known as Dante.
Her perception confirmed that he had indeed lost his courage. She
suddenly became acutely aware and sensed something not right with
this place, more so than last time she was on Plebe, something more
evil. It was like they were being watched from above, Amber looked up
but there was nothing there. Could it be... from the stories her
mother told her could it be..... she shook her head as the feeling
suddenly left again, almost like something shifting its gaze. Amber
picked up her mothers medical equiptment and walked over to Dante.
She rumaged in one of the medi-packs and produced a syringe.
"Here, this should help a bit. Should calm you down, although it
could just as easily be a sedative...." And before he could protest
she shoved the needle into his arm and injected the fluid.

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