Burger Tzar

Katrina Swete
Burger Tzar
Katrina walked into the Burger Tzar, cursing herself again that she had
failed to make it to the Captain's Office. To drown her sorrows, she'd headed
over to the Burger Tzar and order something that would make her worry about
her weight instead of her actions.
Upon arriving, Katrina realized she was entering bizzare territory. A giant
eye and a pink figure with a scythe were the first things she saw. A pretty
Japanese woman making strange noises was also present. She then realized that
these things must be some of the hallucinations she'd overheard a few people
had been talking about.
"Excuse me," she apologized as she tripped over someone. She looked down and
recognized the unconscious body. It was that guy with the weird name. Steev
something or other. They hadn't ever been formally introduced, but being a
janitor, Katrina knew some things and names.
Katrina took a seat, thinking maybe she should leave. She soon realized why
she didn't. The floor had just turned to glue, and everything in the room was
stuck fast to the floor.
"Oh great," she groaned. "I guess I'm going to have to clean this mess up. I
just know all those stupid scutters are gonna be busy cleaning up all that
marshmallow stuff I kept seeing." Katrina sighed and yanked on her knees,
trying to unstick her legs, without luck.
(I know I already wrote today, but I've been reading all the past e-mails
and had an urge to say something else.)

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