Duty calls

Katrina Swete
Science labs
As Niples went about his business with the scientists, Katrina stayed out of
the way. She was a janitor. The most scientific piece of advice she could
lend was telling them not to mix bleach with ammonia.
The ship's computer appeared on a screen near Katrina. "Katrina, you're
needed. A crew member had an accident and you're needed to clean it up. Do
you faint at the sight of blood?"
Katrina shook her head. "No. What happened?"
"It appears the hologram Phil isn't a hologram anymore. He was trying to
impress Penny Lloyd while they were having dinner and stabbed his hand with a
Niples heard this last sentence. His head jerked away from the conversation
he was having and stared at the computer's head. Katrina watched him mouth
the word "Penny" somewhat numbly, then sadly turn back to the conversation.
"He's in the medi-bay right now, getting treated by that new nurse, Tara.
You'll probably have to go down there as well, there's a lot of blood," the
com[uter continued.
Katrina bit her lip, thinking, Great, a broken heart is the last thing the
Commander needs right now. She turned back to the head. "I'll be right down."

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