A tiny little thing

> "I know." he said "HE STOLE MY F##KING BIKE!!!!"
It was at this point that Cerebrum reappeared. "Oh yes, there was
something I need to tell you," he stated. "But I can't remember what it
was; give me a minute to remember."
It was at that point that a female hologram burst through the door, and
opened fire with two laser pistols, forcing all the non-dead people in
the room to seek cover.
"Oh yes, that was it," Cerebrum said, nodding. "I unscrambled a
psychotic hologram who wants to kill all living things because she's
dead. I had to do it to stall the evil computer"
"Cerebrum, you idiot!" Jay screamed throwing himself away from a flurry
of laser bolts. "Stop her!"
"Idiot," Cerebrum's face crumbled, and he buried his face in his hands,
sobbing softly. "I'm hurt, I'm really hurt at that comment."
"STOP HER!" Jay cried, as a laser bolt neatly parted his hair.
"Not until you apologize," Cerebrum replied, continuing to cry.
"Fine, I'm sorry! Now stop her!" Jay shouted again, tripping over a
chair as he dodged another laser bolt.
"I don't think you mean it," Cerebrum stated. He produced a piece of
paper, walked over and handed it to Jay. "If you really mean it, you'll
sign this apology note. I won't stop her until you do that/"
The psycho hologram stood over Jay, leveling its laser pistol at his
forehead. Jay pulled his pen and signed the note.
"There, I signed it!"
Cerebrum snapped his fingers, and the psychotic hologram disappeared.
"I'll go have a therapy session or three with her," he stated. "And fix
her up. Oh, by the way, thank you for signing over the navigation
department's budget to the psychiatric department." And then he

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