Nice ride...kinda

Kara sat there fiddling with the steering wheel imaging the fun she could
have with this baby. "It's got the control of the most basic ships. Similar
to the 'Bugs. Handles like a dream. It's damned sexy. I'd wanna keep this
thing if we can. Blow lotsa shit up with this baby." She said.
(Tag. I guess.)
Fear Me For I Am A Writer...tap into my spooky power well.
>From: "jprimex2000" <jprime_starship_captain@...>
>Subject: [JMC_Blue_Dwarf] The Eagle has Landed (Kinda I guess...)
>Date: Sun, 08 Aug 2004 00:49:01 -0000
>A Semi-Joint Post brought to you by Jprime (Smith) and Chris (Chris)!
>Smith wandered the amusement park, searching for some ride to go and
>fight the Hymies with. Sure he had no idea how to fly, how to fight
>Hymies,or even how to turn the bloody thing ON, but he'd burn that
>bridge when he crossed it.
>After a while, he came across a rather crappy looking jet-black Ford.
>Pulling open the door, (conveniently unlocked) he saw an oddly
>familiar looking interior. Did he know this vehicle somehow?
>Searching around for something to confirm his suspicion, Smith's
>beady eyes focused on a small red button.
>Smith closed the door and sat down.
>Breaking the steering colomn in one swift fluid motion, Smith
>hotwired the car in just under thirty seconds.
>"How the SMEG did I do that???", Smith wondered worredly.
>Well, I suppose this button is marked in red for a REASON... Maybe
>its the engine, or the guns, or the coffee machine, or the toiltet
>No, the last thing I need is to turn on the self-destruct or
>something...better stick to what I know.
>"Eh at least now I've got something moderately cool to pick Kara up
>Driving off, Smith spotted Kara wandering aimlessly. Brushing back
>his hair in a pathetic effort to lok cool, he pulled up beside her.
>"Heyyyy pretty lady! Wanna go save the world?"
>Kara rolled her eyes and stiffled a snigger.
>"Sure Smith".
>Hopping in, she booted Smith out of the driver's seat.
>"Hey! This is MY Piece-O-Smeg Mobile!"
>"Ooh come on Smith! Its the Men In Black Car!"
>"Is that supposed to ring a bell?"
>"Yeah! Its from an old late 20th Century movie! It can FLY!"
>"That means I can use it to fry some Hymie ass!"
>"No, it means I can and YOU can watch! Im the Pilot here!"
>Smith slumped over in his seat.
>"Can I at least turn it on?"
>"Sure you can. Just push the little red button when I say so."
>Kara began to line up the car for a runway clear of other launching
>retro-fitted rides.
>Needless to say, Smith got bored.
>As the rocket engines unfurled and G-forces pressed him against the
>seat, the last thought to cross his mind was, "Well, I DID turn it
>MEANWHILE, Chris was busily readying the Eagle 2 for launch. He'd
>always had a thing for Spaceballs...
>" OK! Pre-flight check commencing! Mirrors, check. Engines, check.
>Mirrors, check. Hatch, let me check..."
>Chris went back to check the hatch.
>The MIB car crashed through the hatch.
>"Hey mate! Miss me much?"
><tag folks!>
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