Encounters of the Small Kind.

"Hello...My Name is Phillip...Everyone calls me Mini-Phil..Iam the
offical ship greater, but due to a freak accedent in my cloning
process i cannot speak properly. AS Such i would like the pleasure of
showing you about this ship and helpuing you to settle in."
Imdaewen looked at the leaflet, and then at Mini Phil.
The midgit beamed up at her, waiting for her to accept his
hospitality. She quickly read over the leaflet.
Surely he can't be this bad. She thought to herself. But no he wasnt
that bad, he was worse a lot LOT worse.
Mini Phil looked at her camera curiously, he waddled forward and
grabbed it. Imdaewen immediatly slapped his hand away.
"No touching." She warned him with a stern finger and a gaze that
could possibly kill, if of course looks could kill. The midget looked
slightly upset and wrinkled his face as if about to cry.
Uhoh. Way to go, upset people allready aboard the ship before you even
know where you live. She watched as the midget suddenly became
interested in one of her bags, he unzipped it and she watched as he
buried his head in the bag and started rumaging through.
"Oigh!" She grabbed the midget by one of his ears and looked at the
mess he made of her neatly folded clothes.
"What did I just say!?" Mini Phil struggled under her grip, she let
him go and he handed her the cue card again. She rolled her eyes.
"Okay whatever," she mumbled to herself. "Show me around."
Mini Phil gave a small squeal and scurried down the corridor and round a corner.

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