
Smith came tearing into the drive room.
"Captain! Captain! There's Hymenoptra on the ship!"
Alota turned to face the red-faced Security Officer.
"No there's not. You're seeing echoes from the past."
"Past echoes? You're sure that's what they were?"
Alota turned to Johnny B. Goode.
"There AREN'T any Hymies around are there?"
Johnny checked the internal sensor array.
"Negative, Captain."
"Is that Negative as in 'No, there are no Hymenoptra' or Negative as
in 'No, there ARE Hymenoptra'?"
Alota leaned over and checked the board readouts herself.
"No, there are no Hymenoptra."
Suddenly the conversation was interrupted by the unconscious, falling,
and ghostlike form of John Smith slamming into the Drive Room floor.
"Now where have I seen this before...", sarcastically muttered Smith.
A whispering, yet abnormally loud voice filled the room and echoed off
the walls.
"Your mission will become clear in time. We'll see you soon."
<tag folks!>

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