White Coats and Blue Dwarfs

Who: Tara
Where: Earth
When: 2104~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Tara sighed and sank back onto the green leather couch. The clock ticked loudly in the corner, the silence being broken by this invasive tick-tock almost making Tara want to scream.
  "You know, this time three years ago, I could have been talking to him again. He was going to me a medical officer on the Blue Dwarf and so was I....... Life just isn't fair anymore. I'm single, and always will be." Tara let out a huge sigh and felt like melting into the couch. She hated these sessions, but her therapist was the only one who listened to her properly, without all the drugs and needles.
"I sometimes still can't believe charlie is alive. I missed my chance to see him again." The therapist scribbled on a notepad and 'hmmed' in the way only they can. 
  "Our time is up today. However, you do seem to be making slight progress so I am willing to sign your release form again." The therapist signed a sheet of paper and handed it to Tara,
"This should keep admin happy. You know the drill by now I think?" Tara nodded and stood up off the couch.
As she walked out of the office and down a set of stairs, she was greeted with a white-coated escort that led her to the front reception desk. Handing her form over to be stamped she smiled slightly, free for another week at least. She thought back to the situation that got her in this place. The fire, that killed Charlie, her fault of course, she knocked over a bunsen burner and the whole medi-lab went up in flames. She could still remember the heat, as she ran from the building knowing that he was inside still, trapped by the flames... burning flames.... She shook her head to get rid of the memories. They were replaced with the years after, she had gone mad, straight jackets and soft walls. The electro shock therepy as well... She shuddered at the memories. She had recovered enough to be released and heard that Charlie would be on a new mining vessel, never in any doubt it could be him. So she signed up and was then distraught at the fact a terrorist blew the ship up, she was sent back inside when she had a second mental breakdown. Three years later she had been set up on the 'day release' programme, where inmates deemed sane enough were given quarters and allowed to get jobs on civvie street, however they were still monitored at night. Regular counciling sessions were a must as well.
Later on she was walking down the road to her job in faded blue jeans, baggy woolen jumper and a patched puffer coat and a floppy hat, she looked compleately mis-matched, not like the Deputy Chief Medical Officer aboard the Blue Dwarf at all. A young woman, no older than 18 or so walked straight into her.
  "Watch it lad...." she tailed off a look of recognition on her face.
  "I'm sorry do I know you?" Tara asked the 18 year old girl, her face was familler, Tara couldn't place it though. The girl scowled and Tara was shocked to see her eyes were a dark inky blacka ll over.
  "You should do mother dearest, but it seems you are just as screwed up as the rest of this god forsaken plannet. I hate earth, give me the Blue Dwarf any day. I hate earth." The girl stormed off. Tara watched her walk away, totally confused and convinced she was breaking down again. The girl had a pilots uniform and a large coat on, the emblem on it said Blue Dwarf and the name on it was Amber Cleavage-Febuggure.
  "Mother?.... Blue Dwarf was destroyed...... I'm cracking up...." Tara shook her head and panicked. They would think she was insane again, they would jab needles in her and drug her up to the eyeballs again. She nervously glanced around the street, everyone becoming a suspect.
"I need to get out of here..." She mumbled and pulled her coat around her and her hat lower over her eyes. Avoiding her workplace she headed for the station to get as far out of town as possible.

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