'Security and beer'

Cmdr Niples put down the personal microphone used when making journal entri>es, and relaxed into deep thought for a few minutes. After that he washed some water into his eyes, changed into more comfortable clothes and walked down to Owen Numan's bar. He hoped something exciting was going on down there.
Owen Numan's bar
Lloyd, Donover and three other security officers sat around a table thankful that their work shift was over and they no longer had to clean the ship. Yet again Donover was paying for everyone else's drinks.
"If I see another shade of green or red." One security officer commented.
Lloyd had said very little, she just put on her thin gold rimmed reading glasses, read the Blue Dwarf times and drank her ale.
"Heard any of the rumours?" Another security officer asked.
"Which rumour is this then?" Donover enquired.
"About Captain Cannon and his future aboard ship." The security officer said. "It's said that he may be removed from power and Niples may be promoted to captain."
"Where did you hear this from?" Lloyd asked taking her notice away from the newspaper.
"Fingers told me." The security answered.
"You trust what that theif tells you." Lloyd commented.
"He's a theif, not a lair." The security officer said.
"Speak of the devil." Donover commented as Niples entered the bar.

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