No No

Jocelynn looked and continued to clean the kitchen. Wanting them to be gone quickly. That was until she was in the woman in the wrong hallway. "No no wait." she thought dropping the knife she was holding taking the pan off the oven. "Um... this is the wrong hall way. You can't search these room." she said. Trying to calmly convince her to abandon this hallway only one room had a guest but he was a big spender. "Please don't bother the guest." she said. But she couldn't stop the woman who was already turning the key. The door clicked open in the room stood a man covering a woman who was clearly there for other things.

"Ohhhhh Heeeeeyyyy." the man said, long drawn out and laid back. "I didn't order room service, and Madam I appreciate the sentiment but I am just one man I can only handle one at a time." he said his voice carrying a slight chuckle under it.

"I am sorry. The guards are forcing me to allow them to search rooms." she said telling him a half lie.

"Okie dokie then...well room searched ." he said using her free hand to to something to make the woman jump a little. "Could I like ya know get back to this?"

(Sorry for the tiny amount of control, just wanted to be sure I could do this post, also sorry if i messed up who was on what side.)

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