Move Along

Adisla listens to what the man said and watched as the woman grabbed her slave. Shaking her head, she stepped out of their way to let her move on with the slave. As the man moved to follow them, she put her hand to his chest and looked into his eyes before speaking, "They are your responsibility. If they get into anything they shouldn't, I will take it out on all three of you. Now, move along."

Letting her hand fall from his chest, she walked further into the stables to where her horse was standing. Touching the gray mare on the side of her neck, Adisla smiled before speaking, "Are you ready to go wolf-hunting Madison?"

Looking over her shoulder as the trio left, Adisla narrowed her eyes a.d went about putting the bridle and tack around Madison while reaching out telepathically to a few of her best scouts, "Follow these three individuals. Do not let them become aware of your presence, but report as much to me as you can."

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