Deals and Dealings

-The Orchard; Morning of 2 DSTR-

Following Cordelia was a pleasure, he was a male after all, he would have to be dead not to admire the gifts the gods had given her. He did not ogle though, there was business to do and he needed his head with him. He really did not know Tyreth, and he would need to see these plans were measured and place in order, lynchpins.

All of his plans were hinged at points, parts had to move just so to prepare of the changes he had in order. The art of it would be that he would undermine the Queen, and no one would even think it was happening, it would all feel as if it were natural, it was all the will of the gods. It would require people thinking it were divine mandate to unseat her, she was popular after all.

He entered the room with powerful wide steps and moved to sit next to the young lad setting the box down on the table with a thud that made the dishes on the table rattle. “Mister Tyreth, a pleasure.” He said with a warm smile that seemed all too real, as a bard he knew how to act and how to make illusions of emotions seem true, even more true sometimes then those real emotions one may display.

He opened the box. “I have just come to settle the debts your Uncle incurred, and I know you may think that his debt may have perished with him, this is not the case.” He said hedging off the lads protest he knew would come. “He used the orchard as collateral in these dealings and so if his failure came to pay these debts then I would take possession of all or part of the land, depending on the assay of the land.” He started taking out the contracts, all signed and stamped with the mark of the house as well as local nobles as witnesses of the agreements.

“However, I am willing to come to some agreement with you, if you wish.”

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