Dinner Planning

Kalena saw someone had thoughtfully saddled Enyo for her and nimbly swung up onto the ornate silver and leather seat. Taking the lead to the camp, she rode erect and proud, her easy handling making it appear like she and the horse were one. She glanced over at the grisly array of human heads as she rode past them and wondered which belonged to the bandit leader she killed. One of the heads was rocking back and forth, a raccoon gnawing on an ear.

“Did you find the bandits, Captain?” Van asked as he approached them as they rode in. His eyes went to Lafayette as if he might be one of them.

Laffy was sipping a steaming cup. “He is here ain't he?Either he found them, and they are settled, or he found no point in it,” he grumbled over the cup. “Next time you choose to take off let us know, Captain. We did not even know there was not any watch for an hour or so.”

Kline dismounted and nodded to Laffy. “Noted, sorry, I did not expect to be gone the whole night.” He looked at Van. “See to the horses, and see this fellow has two for himself.” Kline motioned to Lafayette. “This is Mister Lafayette, he will be joining us for the rest of the trip to the city, give him all due respect and honors.”

“Lafayette, Laffy. Laffy, Lafayette,” Kalena said, making introductions whimsically. She slipped down from her horse to face Kline.

The baron turned and nodded to her. “I think I should sell this wine, then we can see about dinner? I should go and make a call on your friend alone in a day I suspect. I do not wish to do so when I am likely to do something rash, it also may do me some good to learn a bit more of him.”

“I think that is most sensible,” she said approvingly. “I was thinking of inviting a few friends and acquaintances over to join us for dinner, one of whom is a well-informed and well-connected gentlemen who may be able to shed some further light on our Tyreth Cartagan.”

Isai Akbaje made it his business to know just about everyone and everything in Dalen that was worth knowing. Chiren Solder was a mainstay of the Queen's court and ought to be fairly familiar with Tyreth as well, Kalena thought, mentally composing her guest list. Eliza Telsana might know Tyreth too, and had an astounding ear for gossip, however Kalena was reluctant to invite the little hussy, as Eliza also happened to be graced with astounding beauty, and was sure to take everyone's attention away from her. Gularzob probably did not know Tyreth at all, but would be excellent company, and she could inquire as to his progress in forging the armour that she had commissioned him to make for her.

Kalena observed Kline enjoying the coffee Laffy brought him. She made a note of it in her head. She would send one of her people out to seek the best coffee to be found in the capital. Some expensive Nubian Harrer coffee beans perhaps, or some Agana coffee that had a strong rhubarb aroma and a thickly bodied, tangy mocha roast taste.

As she was planning the evening's dinner and entertainment, her gaze absently passed over the camp and fell on Frogmore. Dear gods, she thought the man human last night in the dark, but he was obviously something else. Half fiend, his skin was an ashen grey and looked to be patterned like a weave, two black horns rise out of his head near his ears, like ram horns. His eyes were almost all black except for two white pin pricks that seemed to go where he was looking. She quickly shifted her eyes back to Kline, so not to stare rudely at the batrachoidal mercenary.

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