OOC - clarification on Luna’s staff

Ok the Lunar staff is made of metal for one it would not splinter like Bizentine describes. I’m not upset that it is broken. What bothering me is that Varan should not still have Luna’s magic I have established that Luna doesn’t need the staff to do shadow magic. In fact her shadow magic is not what is contended in the staff was able to help her control her magic. Luna has an alignment with night witch allows her to draw her power directly from the realm of night where the dark elf are at. The staff would still have had to break for her to ever use her full power. What’s bothering me is that the protective spell placed on the staff that is sapose to weaken Varan is some how hinging her strange and some of luna’s magic. Iv repeatedly explained to you that the magic affects Varan from the staff is the protective spell on the staff. So please explain to me how Varan can have Luna’s magic.

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