Mandalorian Life

Rowan balls his fists in anger there is a distinct tone of authority and anger in his voice. “Child! If you would have been there you would be dead, a waste of life. You know nothing of life you are still a child. you know nothing of the Mandalorian life yes it can be cruel, but we will give your lives with out hesitation for your Clan and your people and others we call friends. Your right I don’t know everything about the Jedi way but my secrete is my clan was specially trained to hunt down and kill Sith and Jedi I have seen what you force users do in the name of your force. So, don’t get high and mighty with me Padawan!” Rowan relaxes and takes a deep breath lets it out. He waves her off with his hand and walks out of the room towards his ship. “RED! We are leaving.”

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