Jealous Chicken

Ghost arched an eyebrow, but did not argue. She could easily see the deep relationship Mar and Serenity seemed to have, but could not truly understand it. Everything she understood about love had just been ripped into shreds. That did not mean she would ruin it for others.

"It's fine." Ghost said with a nod and stepped over to Mira. "It's nice to see I'm not the only one that enjoys showing off."

Carla snorted in obvious disapproval, eyes narrowing at Keran.

"Be good, Carla." Ghost snapped with a small flick to the chicken's beak. "If I see you even dare to spit acid Master Keran, I will pluck all of your feathers out!"

Carla hissed and huddled down, feathers all puffing out with even more disapproval.

"Anyway," Ghost said with a soft laugh. "Shall we get going? I want to see what all is here before getting that information from that Thrass guy."

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