Little Pink Sweater

Kent tried to comfort Tam by rubbing her shoulder gently. "It's gonna be okay, Tamara." He told her. "I'm sure the doctor knows what she's doing and will give your brother the best care he needs."

Even as he spoke, the brunette attempted to keep his face turned away from Max and Kevin, knowing they would recognize him. If they didn't realize who he was from his voice, they definitely would know if they saw his face.

River was nodding as she stood next to Serenity. "We should go back and try to relax for the night. It's the best thing we can do for now." She explained, noticing the blond man hugging his possum close. It was weird to her that someone would choose such an odd animal to adopt.

Since hospitals were cold, Kevin had slipped Bonnie into her favorite little pink sweater and was petting her gently to keep the possum comfortable. "We'll be out of here soon, Bon-Bon." He said in a cheerful voice for her.

He wasn't saying anything to Max, but he had recognized Kent the moment they walked in.

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