Ruined Moment

The blush on Kent's face darkened and he glanced away for a second. A part of him just wanted to lean forward and kiss this girl, but at the same time he did not want to seem like he was using the situation to get with her. If there was one thing he had never done in his life, it was be cruel to or use a woman.

That was the only thing he had learned from his mother. Always be a gentleman.

"But..." Kent began, losing his train of thought as he met Tam's eyes. Beautiful eyes...

Sliding his hand up to cup her face, thumb stroking her cheek, he started to lean toward Tam when his phone began ringing obnoxiously. "Shit..." He grunted, pulling his hand away from the blond girl to grab for said phone in his backpack.

They should probably get back to Serenity's place anyway.


By the time Kent and Tam would return, they would find River and Serenity chilling with movies because a certain game had infuriated them to the point of throwing the controllers.


Bonnie gazed up at Max and then to the phone with a knowing look that said he should make the call. Stretching, the little possum turned around and began to climb up the couch. Reaching the comfort of the cushions, she curled up and snuggled into a corner.

It was her way of telling Max to stop being a wuss and just make the call.

As for Kevin, he was busy getting ready for work. Poking his head into the room, toothbrush in mouth, he glanced to Bonnie and wondered if Max was going to call that doctor. It was silly of him to play Cupid, but he just wanted his friend to be happy.

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