No More Lonely Nights

Tam blushed at River's suggestion that she and Serenity give her and Kent some time alone. She did want more time with him. She was dying for more time even. And when Kent asked what she wanted to do she struggled to admit that she would be happy to just jump up and kiss him again. And just when she was about to do just that as she let go of her final shred of doubt, Sernity announced she had booked them all, including Kent, on the trip to her skating finals.

She looked rather surprised, turning to Serenity and chuckling. "Just like that? Wow." She looked to Kent now, "Did you want to come?" Now Tam was imagining going and spending several nights with Kent in a fancy hotel room and she hoped he would say yes.


Max had showered and retreated to his bedroom, feeling somewhat blue after making a fool of himself in front of Kevin. He just hoped he hadn't ruined his friendship with him. It was a worry that kept him up pretty late, and he ended up only getting four hours of sleep before he got up and decided to make coffee for him and Kevin.

"Fuck..." He muttered and looked to his phone. There were three missed calls from Stefan. "Double fuck..."

Max looked out into the living room and frowned. "What's wrong, Kevin?"

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